Stay Green!

This is the archive of, published from 2006-2013, a sustainability blog focused on cities. Photo: Champ de blé en Côte d’Or, Bourgogne, France. By Photo: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Earth Day Network: The Face of Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Since its inception April 22, 1970, Earth Day has steadily become one of the most celebrated of environmental events, observed by an estimated one billion people. Here’s founder Earth Day Network‘s online bulletin board of people around the world working on environmental projects and a sustainable future. Click here to add your…

European Union Votes Against Propping Up Anemic Carbon Emissions Market

European Union MEPs Tuesday voted against propping up their anemic carbon trading market, the emissions-trading system (ETS). The ETS is a ten year old flagship market scheme for trading carbon emissions with the goal of increasing the price of carbon and thereby creating incentives to reduce carbon emissions-intensive industry. In a 334 to 315 vote,…

Clean Up Continues after Oil Pipeline Rupture in Mayflower, Arkansas

Clean up continues after the rupture earlier this week of a 60 year old Exxon pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas. Independent news accounts have been difficult to come by as Exxon has been controlling the area, and press have not been able to document the full extent of the damage. The spill occurred March 29th, but…

Solar Impulse To Fly Across US Fueled By Sun

The challenge is to circle the world in an airplane that doesn’t use fossil fuels and emits no greenhouse gas, but the Solar Impulse is taking it one feat at a time. This summer, the Solar Impulse solar airplane will cross America, flying from San Francisco to New York City, spreading its environmental message as…