Your level of growth stems from your level of courage

Nicole Turnbull
Chief Courage Officer,
Neon Shed

Hi, I’m Nicole

Let’s talk Courage, my favourite topic!

Having worked in some great workplaces, some not so good ones and being a leader myself, I started to notice the single most common thread.

In a great workplace there’s a culture of courage. The leaders have it and therefore the team has it.

Clients and customers pick up on that great vibe.

Where’s there’s a culture of courage, there’s more trust, safety, greater efficiencies, consistency, reliability, better health and wellbeing and the business is thriving.

Energetic innovation is possible in a culture of courage.

It’s my aim to ignite courage in more businesses and individuals to see the great results that come from courage as a pillar for capacity building.

In 2019 I started Neon Shed. With a focus on culture building, Neon Shed brings light to the dark sides of work. There’s lots of things that are swept under the rug at work. This is unhelpful and it can be deeply damaging for both the company and the people. Neon Shed’s services are designed to help you eliminate psychosocial hazards and flip the challenges into opportunities.

Imagine if, instead of fear, we could make courage the new contagion.
What could the world look like? How would people feel?

Creativity and energy would be unlocked, potential would be realised.

While we may not be able to solve all the worlds problems in one day, we can certainly elevate the experience in workplaces.

We can also enhance employee engagement - which means an array of challenges immediately disappear.

It’s all in the HOW and that’s where Neon Shed differs, we offer the solutions.

Courage is Contagious

So what are some of the symptoms of a culture without courage?

  • Individuals safe guarding their work

  • Micro-managing

  • Low employee engagement and energy

  • High number of sick days

  • High staff turnover

  • Issues with sexual harassment

  • Concerns about bullying

  • Average levels of innovation

  • Employees who lack empowerment

  • Employee output is declining

Engaged communities

It’s not just workplaces that thrive in a culture of courage, it’s communities too. I’m part of the Mid Coast Community and believe I can add value, so I’m putting my hand up in the upcoming local election to become a Councillor.

How you can work and learn with me

  • This online program is the first step in giving leaders the knowledge and tools to be at their best. Find out more here.

  • This one-to-one coaching is for existing Courageous Leaders, Leaders who are already at the top of their game and want to stay there. This monthly one-on-one personal training reviews situations, strategies and invites you to always be at your best. We keep it fun, real and growth focussed. Email me for more information

  • There’s so many benefits to talking all things Courage and what it brings to the world, an individual and a business. If you think I can add value to your event then please read more under the Guest Speaker tab and email me via the link.

  • Nothing is off limits with my Under the Rug at Work Podcast!

    My aim is to bring light to workplace issues that are often swept under the rug.

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