516-822-1020 [email protected]

Dennis Haber
Life Coach-Problem Solver


Are you feeling lost? Have you watched idly as your hopes for a better future faded away into regret? While some life coaches offer little more than pie in the sky platitudes, Dennis knows that holding onto hope and planning for a better future requires a lot of discipline and hard work.

Whether you’re looking for emotional change or newfound financial success, you have to be willing to put in the work — but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a little help along the way.


What qualifies Dennis to work as a life coach?

Dennis is among the relatively few Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainers who also became a Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach. Having survived some challenging illnesses and life situations, Dennis is keeping his vow to do something special with his time on earth. This journey of self-discovery and his original search for purpose were met with an intractable restraining force, which took years to overpower. Along with this journey of self-discovery, Dennis learned mighty lessons that have transformed his personal, business, and family experiences. Today, Dennis runs Haber Consulting to help others achieve the same success.

Dennis has provided a spark that has helped his peers with sound business and personal advice. Today, he has refined his methods and is helping others find meaning, direction, accomplishment, and success in their personal, professional, spiritual, and financial lives.

Don’t Play With Fire

For many people life resembles a fire that is out of control. Don’t Play With Fire provides many important tools that keeps your emotions in check so you can make the best decisions you need to make. These tools will help you become better in your personal, family and business life. The book discusses proven time tested strategies that provide you with herculean power to conquer fears, clobber obstacles and crush self-doubt. You’ll experience the joy of continuously improving your business, personal and family skills. You also learn about concepts, ideas and principles that will enable you to be, do and have everything you want in life. Life is still expecting more from you. Now you can expect more from life.

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Ways To Change Your Life


Dennis has already helped so many people overcome negativity, career stagnation, and “attitude sclerosis.” He knows firsthand what it takes to overcome tremendous obstacles in life. By working with Dennis, you can find the strength, support and encouragement to create a better life for yourself.

Change is serious work, we know that. For all of the brave people who have finally decided to make a change, there are many ways to work with Dennis Haber:

  • Life Coaching: Dennis works as a Long Island and Boca Raton based life coach, providing actionable one-on-one coaching throughout the country. Your journey begins with a customizable coaching package. He can help you get where you want to go. This co-creative, proven process will identify your unique skills and the untapped potential that resides within you. He offers support, accountability, and rigorous coaching to overcome existing issues and life your best life.
  • Workshops: Schedule workshops with Dennis for retreats and other group events. For those who prefer a group setting over one-on-one life coaching, a live workshop provides a great interactive experience. It allows for multi-dimensional feedback as you proceed on your journey to increase productivity, harness potential, and improve important relationships. These programs can be hosted at corporate headquarters, community centers, retreats, or at other convenient venues.
  • Read His Book: Don’t Play With Fire: How To Keep Your Greatness From Going Up In Flames. Online e-workbooks and other supplemental reading materials can help you begin your journey to greatness.
  • Speaking: Hire Dennis as a keynote speaker at an upcoming event. Don’t Play With Fire really comes to life as Dennis delivers one of his inspirational presentations. His speeches engage and empower audiences to flip the script on negative thinking and emotional feedback loops.

You Can Benefit From A Life Coach

Do any of these statements feel all too familiar?

  • I feel lost
  • I have no hope for a better future
  • I can’t change on my own
  • True change is not really possible
  • Change is too difficult
  • I’m set in my ways
  • Life coaches only offer new age cliches
  • I’m afraid to admit what I really want 

If so, perhaps it’s time to make a change…

As soon as you think you might be ready to make a change, do it! Just starting is a mighty beginning.


For any life coaching or workshop engagement, no fee is due until after the first session of the coaching or workshop event has occurred. If you are not satisfied, no payment is due and the engagement shall be canceled without further liability.

Contact Dennis Haber today and seize the moment. You’ll remember it for the rest of your life.

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