New to Homeschooling?  Let us help you get started on your journey!

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Please excuse the mess

We are in the process of building the new website so there will be many changes to the look and feel over the next few days. 

We really appreciate your patience with us as we work through this process.

If you find any broken links, missing pages or anything else that isn’t quite right, please let us know at


Thank you!

Now Available!

Customized Curriculum Recommendation service. 

You could spend hours pouring over the many homeschooling options available to you, or we can help you find the right curriculum for you.

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About The New Homeschooler

We are homeschoolers that have over a decade of experience teaching our children not only the basics, but also how to learn.
With the significant changes going on in pubic schools at this time and with so many parents being forced, or simply choosing to start homeschooling, we recognized the need for a helping hand in deciding how to begin.
