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Grow Your Faith

There are a small groups for Adults, Men, Women and Young Adults. Sunday and after school classes for Adults, Youth and Children. Check out the different ways to continue along the path of discipleship.


Help Us Serve Others

"Truly I tell you, just as you did to the least of these who are members of my family, you did to me...’ (Matthew 25:40)  Jesus tells us again and again to serve others, so join our movement to change the world one act of service and love at a time. 

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Come Find Community

At YPC we are like a patchwork quilt of people from diverse backgrounds, all ages and stages, and we make room for differing theological opinions. Each of us as individuals is a pretty piece of fabric on our own; but sewn together by the thread of God we become stronger, warmer, and more beautiful. The only piece our quilt is missing is you! Come join us and experience for yourself the change in your life when you are part of a church family.

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