Saturday, May 25, 2024      

writers on the loose - write your own columns

© 1999-2024
35,099,273 visitors
since March 1999
Hey, friends, welcome to my site.
A writer is a fanatic.

A cocksure, arrogant little pain-in-the-neck fanatic who pecks out words under the delusion that it means something and makes a difference and somehow, over the morning coffee, somebody is going to agree.

Who knows, maybe it's a mental illness.

Some people talk to themselves, and some people write, and somehow society has decided that one gets committed and one gets a paycheck. Cut your ear off and you're a kook. Paint a picture of yourself with your ear cut off and you're an artist.

Go figure.

There will be a new Today's Column here each weekday morning. Previous columns (since 1999) are linked from the bottom of Today's Column.

Please come every day, and tell your friends. I am honored you are here, and I hope you enjoy what you find.

All the best,

Bob Lonsberry

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