
Edenpurepartsstore is ranked 375,765 in the United States. 'EdenPURE Parts Store EdenPURE Parts - Home.'

375,765Rank in United States

2,625,446Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed34,020
Monthly visits 2,094
Value per visitor$0.50
Estimated worth$2,154.61
External links2
Number of pages90

Last Updated: 04/14/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
United States 375,765 100.00%100.00%

Most visitors are from United States.

Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank2,206,257 -8,267,166
Daily Visitors92+700%
Daily Visitors Rank2,803,049 -10,709,091
Daily Pageviews450+840%
Daily Pageviews Rank1,449,335 -5,388,872
Pageviews Per User7.00+20%


Topics: Edenpure Heater Parts All Models, Suntwin Heater Parts All Models, Edenpure Heater Parts, and Suntwin Heater Parts.

The site has about 101 users daily, viewing on average 7.00 pages each.

Server Location
American Registry For Internet Numbers
United States
38.8963, -77.5216

Its web server is located at American Registry For Internet Numbers (Virginia, Chantilly.) Its 2 nameservers are dns2.bizsiteservice.com, and dns.bizsiteservice.com. Edenpurepartsstore.com's server IP number is


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PING www. ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from web6.bizsiteservice.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=119 42.8 ms
64 bytes from web6.bizsiteservice.com ( icmp_req=2 ttl=119 42.2 ms
64 bytes from web6.bizsiteservice.com ( icmp_req=3 ttl=119 42.4 ms
--- www. ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 42.298/42.522/42.804/0.317 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 42.298/42.522/42.804/0.317 ms

Pinging the server, resulted in a 42.8 ms response.