
Pokemon-paradijs is ranked 1,538,330 in the United States. 'Pokemon Paradijs - Alle info over Pok.'

1,538,330Rank in United States

3,014,991Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed13,608
Monthly visits 1,517
Value per visitor$0.26
Estimated worth$1,695.96
External links344
Number of pages420

Last Updated: 04/14/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank2,533,6061,650,241
Daily Visitors107 -60%
Daily Visitors Rank2,463,3361,151,083
Daily Pageviews150 -95%
Daily Pageviews Rank3,027,3192,702,082
Pageviews Per User2.00 -90%


Topics: Pokedex (gs), Pokedex (dp), Pokemon Les, Pokemon Gekte, Afleveringen, and Titelsongs.

Category: 'Anime en Manga/Pokémon'

Age: The domain is 17 years and 8 months old.

The estimated 117 daily visitors, each view 2.00 pages on average.

Server Location
Internet Service Europe Ltd Is Providing Dedicated Virtual Co-located And Managed Internet Solutions. Please Use Only The Following E-mail AddressesNetherlands
51.53, 4.47

ns2.vdvis.eu, and ns1.vdvis.eu are its DNS Nameservers. PHP/5.1.6 is its coding language environment. Internet Service Europe Ltd Is Providing Dedicated Virtual Co-located And Managed Internet Solutions. Please Use Only The Following E-mail Addresses is the location of the Apache/2 server.


Powered by: PHP/5.1.6

Web Server: Apache/2

Encoding: utf-8

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ns1.vdvis.eu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 106 ms
64 bytes from ns1.vdvis.eu ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 106 ms
64 bytes from ns1.vdvis.eu ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 106 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 106.801/106.837/106.882/0.033 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 106.801/106.837/106.882/0.033 ms

Website load time is 1719 milliseconds, slower than 66% of other measured websites. As well, a ping to the server is timed at 106 ms.

Server Setup
Server:Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)