
Dynamicsuser is ranked 217,541 in the United States. 'Dynamics User Group | Navision Forum | Axapta Forum | Dynamics NAV ..'

217,541Rank in United States

180,318Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed333,396
Monthly visits 54,396
Value per visitor$0.70
Estimated worth$39,725.5
External links767
Number of pages1,275,000

Last Updated: 04/16/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries28.20%22.40%
Croatia 6,803 3.30%2.50%
India 31,470 39.20%44.10%
Philippines 35,286 3.10%3.60%
Pakistan 52,336 3.20%6.10%
Canada 64,287 4.60%2.90%
Spain 87,328 3.20%3.00%
United Kingdom 172,110 2.90%1.80%
Germany 174,828 3.60%3.40%
United States 217,541 8.80%10.30%

It is most popular in the countries, Spain, Canada, Pakistan, Philippines, India & Croatia.

Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank151,528 -37,490
Daily Visitors2,611+28%
Daily Visitors Rank137,881 -43,204
Daily Pageviews3,901+8%
Daily Pageviews Rank245,071 -28,177
Pageviews Per User2.20 -16%


Age: The domain is 12 years and 1 months old.

The estimated 2,855 daily visitors, each view 2.20 pages on average.

Server Location
Ip Pool For Leased Lines
Bundesland Niederosterreich
47.88, 16.23

Its web server is located at Ip Pool For Leased Lines (Bundesland Niederosterreich, Felixdorf.) Its 2 nameservers are mama.stone-rich.at, and papa.stone-rich.at. Dynamicsuser.net's server IP number is


PING www. ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from cust4-252-29.stone-rich.at ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=112 136 ms
64 bytes from cust4-252-29.stone-rich.at ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=112 128 ms
64 bytes from cust4-252-29.stone-rich.at ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=112 135 ms
--- www. ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 128.460/133.319/136.430/3.480 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 128.460/133.319/136.430/3.480 ms

Website load time is 2406 milliseconds, less than 76% of other measured websites. As well, a ping to the server is timed at 136 ms.

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