
Dyndns-home is ranked 140,382 in the United States. 'Mrs Boyd's 4th Grade Class Website.'

140,382Rank in United States

207,224Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed495,671
Monthly visits 105,462
Value per visitor--
Estimated worth$76,521.82
External links2,285
Number of pages480

Last Updated: 04/15/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries28.30%13.80%
South Africa 15,769 7.50%5.80%
India 45,512 26.80%60.10%
Spain 74,656 4.50%4.30%
Germany 94,597 9.40%6.40%
United States 140,382 23.60%9.50%

It is most popular in the countries, United States, Germany, Spain, India & South Africa.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
Los Angeles453258.80%3.60%1.90
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank174,13878,997
Daily Visitors1,905 -57%
Daily Visitors Rank187,117102,218
Daily Pageviews5,101 -21%
Daily Pageviews Rank193,82729,589
Pageviews Per User4.00+90%


The estimated 2,083 daily visitors, each view 4.00 pages on average.

Server Location
Dynamic Network Services Inc.
New Hampshire
United States
42.9956, -71.4556

The server is hosted by Dynamic Network Services Inc (New Hampshire, Manchester.) It has 5 nameservers, including ns3.dyndns.org, ns4.dyndns.org, and ns5.dyndns.org. Dyndns-home.com's IP address is


PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From paix0.core-01-ewr.dyndns.com ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Net Unreachable
From paix0.core-01-ewr.dyndns.com ( icmp_seq=2 Destination Net Unreachable
From paix0.core-01-ewr.dyndns.com ( icmp_seq=3 Destination Net Unreachable
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms

Website load time is 2364 milliseconds, slower than 77% of other measured websites.