
Evilazrael is ranked 26,887 in the United States.

26,887Rank in United States

6,988Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed10,995,264
Monthly visits 2,290,680
Value per visitor--
Estimated worth$1.64 Million
External links13
Number of pages--

Last Updated: 04/15/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries6.60%3.00%
Thailand 573 8.40%22.90%
Hungary 991 2.60%3.00%
Japan 1,338 33.20%25.70%
Kazakhstan 1,346 1.80%5.40%
Sweden 1,555 3.20%2.90%
Germany 3,037 10.60%12.20%
Bangladesh 3,152 1.30%0.90%
Poland 3,673 2.50%3.70%
Hong Kong 5,317 0.70%0.50%
Greece 5,465 1.00%0.60%
Switzerland 7,842 0.80%0.30%
Italy 7,848 2.70%2.80%
South Africa 8,879 0.70%0.40%
Romania 9,315 0.50%0.60%
Mexico 10,198 1.70%0.80%
Austria 10,500 0.60%0.20%
Turkey 13,300 0.70%0.50%
Spain 13,998 1.30%1.10%
United Kingdom 14,332 1.80%1.50%
Brazil 15,300 1.60%0.70%
Russia 16,976 2.50%1.60%
France 18,833 1.50%1.10%
Netherlands 19,121 0.90%0.20%
Canada 21,292 0.90%0.40%
Indonesia 21,952 0.60%0.30%
Pakistan 23,416 0.90%0.20%
United States 26,887 4.80%4.50%
China 39,234 2.20%1.50%
India 57,758 1.60%0.50%

Germany, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Japan, Hungary & Thailand are where most visitors come from.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
San Diego100290.40%0.10%1.40
New York116301.00%2.20%11.00
Los Angeles292580.60%0.40%3.00
San Francisco525030.20%0.00%1.20
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank5,872181
Daily Visitors48,150 -9%
Daily Visitors Rank6,791562
Daily Pageviews190,701+8.4%
Daily Pageviews Rank5,217 -704
Pageviews Per User5.87+19%


The site has about 52,650 users daily, viewing on average 5.87 pages each.

Server Location
Netcologne Gmbh
50.9333000183105, 6.94999980926514

Its web server is located at Netcologne Gmbh Koeln. Its 2 nameservers are ns50.domaincontrol.com, and ns49.domaincontrol.com. Its IP Number is


PING www. ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from static-87-79-93-194.netcologne.de ( icmp_req=1 ttl=52 196 ms
64 bytes from static-87-79-93-194.netcologne.de ( icmp_req=2 ttl=52 1205 ms
64 bytes from static-87-79-93-194.netcologne.de ( icmp_req=3 ttl=52 199 ms
--- www. ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2008ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 196.001/533.575/1205.254/474.950 ms, pipe 2
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 196.001/533.575/1205.254/474.950 ms, pipe 2

A ping to the server is timed at 196 ms, and the average page load time is 984 milliseconds.

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