
Holmes-family-tree is ranked > 3,000,000 in the United States.

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United States
33.5093, -111.8985

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PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from p3slh195.shr.phx3.secureserver.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 59.3 ms
64 bytes from p3slh195.shr.phx3.secureserver.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 59.3 ms
64 bytes from p3slh195.shr.phx3.secureserver.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 59.1 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 59.194/59.321/59.399/0.218 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 59.194/59.321/59.399/0.218 ms

A time of 59.3 ms, is recorded in a ping test.

Server Setup
List of Radio and Computer equipment for Sale, I am downsizing.
Email to:stang416@magma.ca Inquire about price
Number Description
1 Kraco multi band KR1255 TV1-TV2 Weather radio #109420
2 * Cushcraft 11 element beam 2 mtr **on tower
3 * DMX 48 foot Tower ** as is , where is, you take down
4 * Mosley CL38 10-15-20 Beam **on tower
5 * CDE and Controller **Rotator on tower + radio shack
6 * RSC-6 Antenna Switch **on tower
7 Coax multi lengths
8 Grounding Cable 3/8 inch Plastic covered
9 Cushcraft 11 element beam
10 Keypad ???
11 Thinkpad adaptor - car battery 508-32400 ID=49G2167
12 Micronta SWR meter 21-525A
13 Micronta SWR meter 21-525B
14 Realistic SWR meter 21-576 18206
15 Micronta swr meter 3-way 21-526A 3-30mhz
16 MFJ 1272BMic/TNC switch
17 Dufone Electronic Telephone Amplifier system 43-278 speaker
18 Andrews Connectors Various
19 Micron Desk Porte Modem D418135832
20 Net Gear Hub Ethernet EN106 with ps
21 Sony Power Supply for
Videorecorder Mod Av3400
22 Mic HRS 21-1172
Round 1/2 " Connector
23 Scope cable # 950
24 Koss Speakers 4 X 6'
2 each Ivory
25 Radio Mount 2 1/4X 6 " Inside
26 Swan SWR -1A Meter
2 mtr 3.5 - 150mhz @1000kw
27 MFJ 916 144/440 Duplexor
28 Heath Kit Mod GD-1A
Grid dip Meter
29 4 coils for item # 28
30 Radio Shack HTX 202
12AX date 0046499 yes yes
31 MFJ 969 Deluxe Versa
Tuner ll yes 100
32 Pakratt 242 MBX
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