10 Great PS3 Themes

Killzone 2



Killzone 2 will probably be one of the best selling games on the PS3. Get hyped up with this beautiful Killzone 2 theme. This theme comes with a custom background and a custom icon set.

Graffiti Montage



If you’re a fan of graffiti, then this is the theme for you. I really like the grunge feel of this theme. You’ll get an awesome background in combination with a very nice icon set.

Tales of Bedevulia



This theme will take you on a journey trough the magical land of Bedevulia. This theme comes with 13 exclusive backgrounds, bringing you PS3 to life in ways never before possible.




This is the first theme made by 2Khaat (yes, he gave this theme the same name). I think it’s a very good first effort. It a clean, simple theme, with a few subtle accents.

Aero Windows Vista



The Aero Windows Vista PS3 theme. This theme comes with 6 different backgrounds. This theme uses the standard PS3 icons.




This theme might look a bit boring, but take a look at the icon set: it’s amazing. I suggest using the icons from this theme in combination with another background. Or you can use the same background if you like a minimal design.

PS3 2X



This theme features 7 fully uncompressed HD wallpapers making this theme probably the most visually stunning, sharpest, clearest, yet! A very beautiful theme indeed!

Cell Project



This theme symbolises the PS3′s cell processor. The designer used a minimal approach and the result is a clean, dark theme.




If you’re looking for a colourful oriental theme, then look no further. This theme comes with 2 backgrounds and a beautiful oriental icon set.

Fallout PIP-BOY



This Fallout Pip-Boy theme brings an oldskool feel to the PS3. No fancy graphics, only a slight modification of the icons.

Source: BestPS3theme / AllPS3themes / PSU.com

2 thoughts on “10 Great PS3 Themes

  1. 2khAAT on said:

    Thanks for putting my theme up :) !