Responsive web design is hot. With the rise of smartphones and tablets, flexible layouts have never been more important. Thanks to responsive web design we can be sure that the visitor will have the same experience, regardless of the screen size. Here are some examples of companies that already created beautiful responsive websites. Continue reading
Category Archives: Inspiration
Interesting Tweets – Week 37
It has been another interesting week on Twitter. Last week I came across some great resources such as Fitvids, a lightweight jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds, the iPhone app Gadgetbox, a huge collection of code snippets and a JS library that helps you with your web typography. We also found images of the original Twitter homepage. Enjoy! Continue reading
Touching Photography From The Dark Side Of War
War has always been a terrible thing: destroying cities, tearing up families and scarring people for life. Photographers try to capture these terrible scenes so they can show us the real face of war. The result is a collection of touching and heartbreaking photos from the dark side of war. Some of the pictures in this gallery might be offending. Viewer discretion is advised. Continue reading
Interesting Tweets: Week 36
Another interesting week in the Twitter universe. This week we came across Browserstack, a browser testing software. We took a look at Alex Mathers’ new book and we learned more about the golden ratio in web design. Another great discovery was Fontseek and Flexslider, a responsive jQuery slider. Continue reading
Interesting Tweets – Week 35
It was once again an interesting week on Twitter. The week was packed with useful and interesting tweets. Big news was the Wacom Inkling, a great tool that closes the gap between traditional and digital sketching methods. We also saw the semantic grid system, 12 graphic design paradoxes, a JPEG tool and the beautiful website for the Sony Tablet S. Continue reading
Great Examples Of Minimal Business Cards
Business cards are a must-have for every self-respecting company. Some designers like to create business cards with lots of colors and illustrations while other designers prefer a more minimalistic approach. The latter use subtle gradients and textures instead of bombastic visuals. In this article you’ll find some examples that will hopefully inspire you. Continue reading
Interesting Tweets – Week 34
Twitter users are sending 55 million tweets per day. That’s circa 640 tweets per second! There’s a lot of spam and rubbish between these short messages but occasionally you’ll also find some interesting stuff. This week I found some tweets that have been very useful and/or interesting to me. I discovered Inkerlinker, found some great icon sets, learned a useful photoshop tip… More interesting tweets after the break. Continue reading
Dream Offices From Around The World
We already took a look at 15 awesome and inspiring offices a couple of months ago. Fortunately there are more than 15 great offices in the world. This is a selection of offices that stand out from the rest because of their creative design or crazy decorations. Surely, you wouldn’t mind working in one of these awesome offices. Continue reading
25 Kick-Ass Pokemon Illustrations
Pokemon has been a worldwide phenomena during the 90′s. Actually, it’s still popular amongst kids these days. For me, pokemon provided a lot of fun and childhood memories. I’m sure this is the case for a lot of people. That’s why some artist decided to use these little monsters as a design-subject. Let’s take a look at some of the results. Continue reading
Awesome Infographic Videos
Infographics have been very popular lately; they pop up on Twitter, Facebook, in e-mails… Not a day goes by without bumping in to one. Some artists tried to make infographics more interesting and entertaining by converting them into videos. In this article you’ll find some of the most beautiful infographic videos from various artists. Continue reading
12 Amazingly Inspirational Flickr Groups
Flickr is a great site that allows everyone from photographers to graphic designers to upload and share media as well as be inspired by others. It is truly a great community site and one of the great features are the community pools or groups, they allow everyone and anyone to submit awesome work that will inspire others. Continue reading
Beautiful Concept Art By Jonas De Ro
Jonas De Ro is a designer from Belgium. His work ranges from concept art, animation, matte painting,
to photography, visual effects, sound design and more. In this article we focus on his concept art, so don’t forget to take a look at his website to see the rest of his beautiful creations. Continue reading
35 Great Illustrations Of Mythical Creatures
People have always been fascinated by mythological creatures. You might have come across some dragons, chimeras or centaurs in books. Some designers tried to envision these creatures and translate their ideas into beautiful illustrations. Because every designer is unique, so are his creations. Here are some of the best illustrations of mythological creatures, enjoy! Continue reading
Artist Spotlight: Sheridan Johns
Sheridan Johns is taking digital portraits to a whole new level. The level of detail and realism in her artwork is amazing. That’s why she’s the perfect designer for this artist spotlight. In this article you’ll find an interview with her and some examples of her creations. Continue reading
5 Things Every Artist Website Should Have
If you’re an artist and you’re designing your portfolio website, you should keep some tips in the back of your mind. There are some things you can’t forget. These tips will help you take your website to the next level! Continue reading
Beautiful Fan-Made Boxart
Packaging is for all products pretty important and so it is for videogames. And with the shift to buying more and more games online, publishers are adding value to their games via its packaging. That’s why almost every game now gets a special or limited edition when it comes out. What I personally like the most is a game’s boxart. The boxart of a game should reflect its identity. So why not have boxart made by the people who know a game’s identity the best. Below I give you a collection of the best boxarts created by gamers themselves. They all tried to capture the essence of the game in its boxart and besides that, they all look pretty cool if you ask me. Continue reading
Typography Inspiration Part 3
I’ve always been jealous of designer who are masters of typography. They can bring letter to life, creating beautiful artwork. That’s why I decided to share some of these great creations with you. In part 3 of our typography inspiration series, you’ll find 20 awesome examples of typography art. Continue reading
20 Gorgeous Business Cards From GraphicRiver
Are you looking for stylish, eye-catching business card? Don’t have the necessary skills to create one on your own? GraphicRiver, an Envato marketplace for design resources, is packed with beautiful business cards. You can already buy a business card design for only $5! In this article, you’ll find 20 gorgeous business cards from GraphicRiver. Continue reading
Lovely Photography By Holger Pooten
Holger Pooten is a London based photographer. Thanks to his amazing eye for detail he can create these stunning photos. Because he is so skilled, he had the opportunity to work for well-known companies such as Nike, Adidas, Intel, Panasonic and Virgin. Let’s take a look at some of his creations: Continue reading
A Showcase Of Human Photo Manipulations In Advertisements
Everyday you are confronted with hundreds of advertisements. You’ll find them on TV, in magazines, on billboards… But you probably don’t remember every ad you’ve ever seen. That’s why it’s important for advertising agencies to create unique, creative ads. In this article you’ll find some of the best print ads. Al of these ads tried to sell their product or service via a human photo manipulation. Continue reading
Really Cool Hotels From Around The World
After a year of hard work, it’s time to take some time off and relax. There’s no better place to relax than on some exotic beach or in a new and undiscovered city. So why not do it in style and stay in one of these gorgeous hotels? This is just a selection of my favourites, I’m sure there are hundreds of other beautiful hotels out there. Continue reading
Why Design Rules Your World
Design has a huge impact on our daily lives. Everything we see and do on a daily basis is somehow related to design. It really is an integral part of our society and it will probably become even more important in the future. Here’s why design rules your world… Continue reading
20 Inspirational Typographic Quotes
Some of the best advice in the world is spread via quotes. For example: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. There’s a lot of wisdom in this simple sentence. A lot of designers use these kind of quotes as a source of inspiration. These quotes become even better when you illustrate them in the form of typography. Here are 20 inspirational typographic quotes for your inspiration! Continue reading
Beautiful Illustrations Of Greek Mythology
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. Greek mythology has exerted an extensive influence on the culture, the arts, and the literature of Western civilization and remains part of Western heritage and language. The Greek mythology is actually pretty interesting and it can be a great source of inspiration. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of beautiful illustrations of Greek gods, goddesses and other mythical creatures. Continue reading
Logorama: A Short Film With Animated Logos
Unfortunately, there isn’t a logo of the week today. But I’ll try to make it up to you with something even better: a short film. This short film is a must-see for every logo design addict out there because it’s absolutely packed with corporate logos. Let’s see how many brands you can spot in this beautifully animated film. Continue reading
8 Amazing Office Desk Setups
[Guest article by Tom Walker] Here we bring you a run down of some of the most amazing office desk setups anywhere in the world. Rather than focus our attention on multi-screen monsters (although there are a couple in there – it’s hard to resist!), we’ve chosen to feature offices which are uncluttered, stylish, sleek and conducive to an organized and stress-free working life. Ogle them, feel jealous and be inspired. They say you can learn a lot about the quality of a professional from his desk – make sure yours is saying the right things about you! Continue reading
Surprisingly Beautiful Curved Stairs
Inspiration can be found everywhere. People can draw inspiration from almost everything in this world: music, flowers, the sea, movies, animals… Sometimes, even something as simple as a stair can become a great source of inspiration. That’s why I’ve collected some of the most beautiful spiral stairs in this article. We should thank these photographers for capturing these great examples of inspirational architecture. Continue reading
Photo Manipulations By Koen Demuynck
Belgium might be a small country, but it’s filled with talented people. A few months ago I already showed you some of the beautiful creations of exceptionally talented photographer and film director Frank Uyttenhove. Today I’d like you to meet Koen Demuynck, another design guru with an amazing eye for detail. Continue reading
20 Great Examples Of Nike Fan Art
Nike is one of the best known brands in the world. This is partially because of their beautiful and easily recognizable logo. The Nike logo was inspired by the Greek goddess of victory. This great brand has inspired a lot of people to create jaw-dropping artwork. Let’s take a look at 20 beautiful Nike-related designs that were created by fans. Continue reading
30 Great Examples Of Data Visualisation
When I was younger, I always thought that working with data is boring. Well, it doesn’t have to be. Some designers took this tedious task and took it to a whole new level. They actually transformed simple data to art. In this article you’ll find 30 excellent examples of data visualisation. You’ll find histograms, pie charts and even some graphical representations of data I didn’t know existed. Continue reading