Beautiful Fan-Made Boxart

Left 4 Dead by ElCrazy

left 4 dead

Medal Gear Solid 4 by Sens

metal gear solid

Uncharted 3 by Blairy_boy

uncharted 3

Metal Gear Solid by dmshaposv

metal gear solid

Paper Mario 3 by YoshiStar

paper mario 3

Assassins Creed II by thecodemaster

assassins creed 2

Mass Effect 2 by Gunslinger

mass effect 2

InFamous by ShadySaiyan


BioShock by alldreamsfalldown


Killzone 2 by hsoldier

killzone 2

Okami by Ladykiller


Dead Space by xIAMHUNTERx

dead space

Shadow of the Colossus by qwerty334

shadow of the colossus

2 thoughts on “Beautiful Fan-Made Boxart

  1. Richard, Leeds Web Designer on said:

    Games artwork has always attracted talented illustrators, though I kind of miss the days when the game’s graphics could never live up to the box art. The sheer discrepancy between the exciting cover, and the blocky game graphics is a feeling kids today will never know!

  2. Paula Dalesio on said:

    The sheer discrepancy between the exciting cover, and the blocky game graphics is a feeling kids today will never!