17 thoughts on “10 Not So Great Logo Redesigns

  1. Robert on said:

    That new Mastercard logo is the worst… what is it?

  2. @elibbagate on said:

    I agree with all you on all of these. Glad you included Econo Lodge, what was it about 2008 that made every road side motel to go with a logo redesign and they all look like they went to web2.0Logodesign.com and made a $199 purchase! Ramada is awful!

  3. Dave Sparks on said:

    I don’t think the Excel one was too bad but they did go bust after the logo change although that probably wasn’t the reason.
    The animal planet one isn’t that great, in fact most of the others were better before.
    Always good to look at the other side of the coin and not just good designs all the time.

  4. iuri on said:

    Kraft’s logo made a good change and inserted the slogan, it wasnt a bad call at all. Capital one got more life and a bit of future too, got better. The rest is really crappy

  5. Ben on said:

    I really don’t understand the new logo of Pepsi.. The old was better.

  6. Tim B on said:

    iuri – Capital One “got..a bit of future” – it’s a SWOOSH. It couldn’t have less ‘future’ if it tried!! Mucho Sucko Amigo

  7. CC on said:

    Mastercard and Pepsi totally sucks

  8. John Ferguson on said:

    I think most of those are OK. I quite like the France logo. Mastercard is clearly the worst, followed by Animal Planet. The Parkard Bell looks a bit cheap, like a generic system builder, oh wait!

  9. Mark on said:

    Animal Planet: I never understood this redesign. Where is the animal and where is the planet. And what is up with the large “A” and sideways “M”. What is the significance

    Pepsi: They should really stop redesigning their logo. It is as if their marketing department makes changes just to make changes.

    Mastercard: Is that really their new logo. Please say no. I have not seen it used anywhere. Hopefully it is not.

    Econo Lodge: I actually like this one.

  10. xmadenyux on said:

    OMG! i didn’t know about the change in Mastercard’s logo. Sucks!

  11. Sebastian Salzgeber on said:

    I doint think the Pepsi-Logo is that bad. Its follows the trend of giving the Brand a depth. You can find it good or bad that brands want their logos 3Ded, but In my view the Pepsi-Logo did very well in this aspect. Ford and co. simply but a bevel on their plain graphics which looks decent, but you can see, that their logo was a plain image and is now beveled. The Pepsi-Logo grab its plain icon by it roots und twisted it into depth by making it to a ball and rotating it by some degree and exported it again into a plain logo, which results in a perspective disortion. I for myself find this an very attractive Idea of keeping the 2D character by freshing it up with the (kind of odd) trend of 3Ding the logo.

  12. Sebastian Salzgeber on said:

    In addition: I think the overall worst logo transition above is the logo from Animal Planet. Its technical poor and does not transport any message.It looks like the first try of a Typographic Student. I think what they wanted to transport was the diversity of Nature (but I might be wrong).

    The France Logo is only on its first view bad. In the Second it simply followes the Trend in this market. Look at Commercials from Portugal, spain and Italy. Its a country, they doint want a shaped logo… they want a feeling. I think its decent solved. (But I must say, thats not my taste, but I see it in its context)

  13. Sushant @ Techooze on said:

    The new mastercard logo looks weird

  14. Raj Talreja on said:

    Pepsi: Pac man with mouth open.
    Animal Planet: They took the planet and animal away, only is text planet.
    Master card: New logo >> Worst card