10 Social Bookmarking Plugins For WordPress

I Love Social Bookmarking

I Love Social Bookmarking is a simple WordPress plugin that allows your readers to submit your content to social media services via a clutter-free drop-down list of attractive icons. There are also several options to customize this plugin for your blog.


Sociofluid is a WordPress plugin that has icons for all major bookmarking sites such as digg, reddit, stumble, technoratie, magnolia… This plugin has a sleek ‘Mac-effect’, where the icon grows when you move your mouse over the icons.


With this easy-to-install plugin, your readers will be able to share your posts with the rest of the world. Whether they are on Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious, BlinkList, or any other social network/sharing site, the Sociable Plugin will allow your blog to be connected to the social media stream, making your content known to the world.

Share This

Share This is a compact bookmarking button. You can choose between various button styles (including a digg-like button), adjust the header text and choose the number of social sites for you button.

Digg Digg

This plugin is more than just a Digg button. It also offers social buttons for stumble, facebook, reddit, dzone, buzz… You can also choose how the buttons should be integrated, how they are displayed and sort them.


Help readers share, save, bookmark and email your posts and pages to Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious, and over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites. The button comes with AddToAny’s customizable smart menu, which places the services visitors use at the top of the menu, based on each visitor’s browsing and usage history.


This is probably the most sexy social bookmarking plugin for WordPress. The buttons are almost hidden, but when you move your mouse over them, they pop up. This is a real eye-catcher.


Bookmarkify is a simple, sleek social bookmarking plugin. It doesn’t rely on big, bold graphics but instead it opts for a more minimalistic approach.


Another social bookmarking plugin, but with some great extras: this plugin also allows you to create PDF files, Word files and even print the article.

Social Dropdown

This plugin displays several social bookmarking options in a dropdown. Unlike other social bookmarking displays, this does not cause clutter and takes up little screen space.

BONUS: Referrer Detector

I know we already had 10 social bookmarking plugins, but this one is a bonus. This plugin displays a greeting message to visitors that come from different URLs. For example, you may want to welcome Diggers with a message that reminds them to digg your story, or you may want to ask Del.icio.us users to bookmark your post, and so on.

Referrer Detector greatly helps to more efficiently interact with your readers and build a better relationship between you (your website) and them.

14 thoughts on “10 Social Bookmarking Plugins For WordPress

  1. SJL Web Design on said:

    Thanks for putting this collection together, I was thinking about trying a different plugin from Share This and now I’m spoilt for choice!

  2. Indigo Surveys on said:

    Thanks for the links Kevin, the Sociable plugin is my personal favourite.

  3. tangologix on said:

    Thanks for this wonderful list! Going to check few right now. i was looking for digg-digg plugin, thanks for avail. thanks man

  4. Jenny on said:

    When writing about WordPress plugins it is useful to differentiate between the .org and .com plugins. Most pluginsdon’t work on wp.com

  5. Paul on said:

    The implementation of social bookmarking has never been easier than through these WordPress plugins though the referrer detector takes the cake. Nothing makes an impression like letting your new arrivals know you’ve got technical savvy and respect their taste! Good Find!

  6. Brett Widmann on said:

    Thanks for the great list. Keep it up!

  7. Frank on said:

    Nice , I am using SexyBookmark now , thank you again.

  8. Mike Geary on said:

    can you do this for me or now

  9. Fraser Hannah on said:

    Thanks for putting that together, i have bookmarked this list for future reference.

  10. Josh Kurtis on said:

    thanks for the awesome list of plugins thanks for the great info

  11. Biggest Loser on said:

    Great roundup. How come you’re not using any of them?

  12. Data Centre Design on said:

    I really like the genie effect of the Sociofluid plugin. I really would rather not feature any social bookmarking links as I think they clutter up a post, but since most readers expect them I suppose this is the best of the bunch.

  13. Habitat Survey on said:

    Hi Kevin. Your listed Sociable plugin is awesome. Five stars.

  14. Mikael on said:

    You forgot about OnlyWire (.com), lets you post to every good site in one click … check it out.