Here’s What Happened…

It all started with a computer crash. Because of a memory error, I couldn’t use most software. I decided to bring it in for repairs. After a week I got a phone call and they told me they would have to format the HDD. I was pretty frustrated about this but luckily I made a backup a month ago. This is probably good advice for everyone who uses a computer: don’t forget to create backups! You never know when disaster is going to strike!

A few weeks ago I broke my hand during football. In the hospital they told me that the fracture had to be operated. They needed to stabilize it with a piece of metal. I’ll spare you the details, but it was pretty painful. Because of this, I can use only one hand for the next 5 weeks. At first I thought it wouldn’t be that bad but you’d be surprised how many things require both hands (washing, eating, putting your clothes on, typing…).

So I just got my pc back. This means that I’ll be able to work on new articles again. Thanks for your patience and I hope to see you again soon!

This entry was posted in Info by URLM.

9 thoughts on “Here’s What Happened…

  1. HullDO on said:

    Sorry to hear about your injury, Kevin. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  2. SJL Web Design on said:

    Hi Kevin, sorry to hear about your hand and HDD, at least you had a backup! Looking forward to the new articles.

  3. Andreiu on said:

    Sorry to hear that Kevin, hope you get well soon.

  4. Mattias on said:

    Did you win the football match?

  5. Jef on said:

    No, we didn’t -_-

  6. Arun Kumar on said:

    Take care of your health…

  7. Kenneth on said:

    Kevin thought he was Superman :p

  8. Deak Gabi on said:

    good to have you back in business. i missed your post

  9. RD Web Design on said:

    I use dropbox as a constant backup incase of HDD failure. I’ve had it once and lost everything so works well for me.