35 Beautiful iPad Wallpapers

Abstract Wallpapers


ipad wallpaper

Windows Vista

vista ipad wallpaper


ipad wallpaper

Missile Strike

ipad wallpaper

Cool Rays

ipad wallpaper

Bubble bokeh

bokeh ipad wallpaper


ipad wallpaper

Shade of green

ipad wallpaper

Blue tiles

ipad wallpaper


ipad wallpaper

Apple Logo Wallpapers

Luxury iPad black

ipad wallpaper

Vintage Wallpaper

vintage ipad wallpaper

Apple green shine

green ipad wallpaper


ipad wallpaper

Apple Retro

retro ipad wallpaper


super ipad wallpaper


space ipad wallpaper

Nature Wallpapers

Green nature

nature ipad wallpaper

Dry land

dry land ipad wallpaper


sunflower ipad wallpaper

Green snake

snake ipad wallpaper

Still lake dusk

lake ipad wallpaper

Grassy field

field ipad wallpaper

Morning dews

ipad wallpaper

Farmers field

nature ipad wallpaper


ipad wallpaper

Space Wallpapers

Space Gasses

space ipad wallpaper

Planet earth

ipad wallpaper

Space trails

ipad space wallpaper


ipad wallpaper

Planet earth

ipad wallpaper

Various Wallpapers

Wooden background

bookcase ipad wallpaper


skull ipad wallpaper


ipad wallpaper


ipad wallpaper

4 thoughts on “35 Beautiful iPad Wallpapers

  1. Irina Lissovaia on said:

    Your Comments

    Thank you for this post. I like the Space theme the most. I think I will download a few of them right now.

  2. PassionFruitForward on said:

    All pretty. The supermac one makes me laugh, though. Kinda arrogant. If anyone ever put a windows logo in a superman shield even Windows lovers would scoff at it. And the grassy field one is technically stolen. One of the most stolen and distributed walls on the net.

  3. Martin Bay on said:

    I publish original ipad wallpapers here http://ipadwallpapersbybay.com – these wallpapers are original images captured around the world – original art for the iPad!

    I hope you would be interested in adding my site in a blog post in the near future…

    Thanks for you time and considerations.
    Martin Bay