5 Things Every Artist Website Should Have

Contact Information

Visitors may want to contact you for various reasons. Perhaps they want to hire you or maybe they want to ask you a question. The most popular contact-method is via a simple contact form. However, you could also consider adding your telephone number. This choice usually depends on the nature of your website; do you want to attract new customers, or do you want to showcase your work?

Don’t forget to add a link to social media such as Twitter and Facebook. These contact methods are much more personal than email and will be appreciated by your visitors.

An About Page

People like to know more about their favorite artist. That’s why it’s essential to have a page where you introduce yourself. You don’t have to write a full biography, a few lines of text is more than enough. A profile picture is a nice extra. If you need some tips to improve your about page, you should visit David Airey’s website.

A Gallery

There’s nothing more convincing than an example of your work. Showcase your creations in a nice gallery to WOW your visitors. This is a really important element of your website, so it’s a good idea to show some of your work on the homepage. Don’t forget to add a short description, or link to a page where you give more information about the specific project.

Social Media

Let your visitors share a link to your website and your work via Social Media. This is a great and easy way to get new visitors to your website. You don’t have to list every possible network out there, just the most popular ones (Twitter, Facebook, Stumble, Digg and Google Buzz). And if your website is running on WordPress, you could try one of these plugins.


I know, this one is a bit more abstract than the other tips, but that doesn’t mean that it’s less important. Try to stand out from the crowd. I’m sure you have a lot of competing artist. A unique portfolio is a great way to get noticed between your competitors. Here are some creative artist websites to inspire you:

Foxie Graphic

Wing Cheng

Hugs For Monsters

Douglas Menezes

2 thoughts on “5 Things Every Artist Website Should Have

  1. ertan on said:

    Uniqueness is first important feature of web designer.
    thanks for article.

  2. Simon on said:

    Nice post ! thanks very much. Simon at Pixmac