12 thoughts on “30 Awesome Abstract Wallpapers

  1. Joviano on said:

    Insane and beautiful.

  2. Matt Roberts on said:

    Great Wallpapers!


    Matt Roberts

  3. TutsKing on said:

    Very Nice. Most of them are more than amazing.

  4. bob on said:

    nothing unusual, just more clutter to slow pc down

  5. Penny on said:

    Wow! I love them. I was looking for abstracts I could use for my blog’s header and after 60 or so pages, finally saw one I liked. I had no idea there’d be even better ones to choose from. Urrgh! Which one shall I use!!!

  6. Kvn on said:

    looks like too much choice can also be a bad thing :)

  7. Kia3na (the 3 is silent =P) on said:

    Awesome wallpapers. They effing rock! You guys are pretty creative for adults. Lol I mean no offense.
    I’m not sure if I needa ask but to be on the safe side, I was wondering if I could use one of these as a background for my account profile. I’d really appreiate it =]