7 thoughts on “Logo Of The Week: Standaard Boekhandel

  1. Eli Prenten on said:

    The default logo always made me think of something that kind of disgusts me, don’t know what it makes me think of though :D

  2. Luu on said:

    not really a fan of either logo, although it is a definite improvement.

    Really prefer logo’s like this, which coincidentally is something I came across this week.


  3. Nancy on said:

    I sort of like the vintage look of the previous one, very seventies, with the orange and brown…but the new one is very cool!

  4. Marcos on said:

    The other logo at least has some color in it…. bad other than that its bad to

  5. Flori on said:

    Your Comments
    I don’t like the new one, there is no added value apart from the monochromatic look, which looks like any other. I still wonder why to change for a new one?