But AllBusinessCards.com can offer you so much more then business cards, they can also provide you with self inking stamps, laser safe letterheads, metallic business cards… They can even deliver your business cards to your door via courier express in two days or less, thanks to their Express Business Cards. Still not convinced? Maybe you should take a look at their testimonials.
The Prizes:
- Not one, not two, but THREE lucky readers can win 1,000 business cards from AllBusinessCards.com*
How Can I Participate?
- Leave a comment to enter this competition. Tell me what kind of articles you’d like to see (more) on this blog.
- Only comment once. Multiple comments with the same email address will not be considered.
- Be sure to enter your email correctly so we can contact you.
- The contest will end on 8th July 2009
*Shipping cost is included for those located within the continental US.
I would love to win but I can not afford the shipping.
Anyways I would like to see some more icons available for download here.
It’s a blog, so what affects you? Cost of ink? demand for product in these trying financial times? technology?
I’d love to see more free typography for download here!
I would like to see some articles that discuss the thought processes of a designer as he/she was designing a particular site. If we can “get in the head” of some really great designers I think it would help all your readers become better at what they do.
I would like to see more articles on Artist spotlights. I find them informative and inspirational.
-Tutorials on the creative process are very interesting to me. It is informative to see how other people solve problems. This blog does a great job teaching how to MAKE a great ad or header, but it would be nice to have some insite on how you are coming up with the ideas. pen and paper sketches
-Tips on dealing with clients, and their goals. Pricing, deadlines, etc. This could also include tips on time management.
-More “Artist Spotlight”
- Some more house / furniture / object design articles.
- More picture mixtures
- Own creations
This competition has ended. Thank you all for participating.
The winners will be announced as soon as possible
Sweet, we all have a pretty good chance of winning.
I would like to see a list of web based tools like http://kuler.adobe.com organized in categories. I know I spend alot of time searching threw book marks trying to find the right tool
building on what others said. A part of the site that is devoted to free brushs/icons/typefaces….etc would usefull
something like colorburned’s freebies section
(sorry to link out again.
I’d like to see more logo design articles