20 thoughts on “25 Jaw-Dropping HDR Photos

  1. Jeroen on said:

    die foto’s zijn toch allemaal bewerkt met pc?

  2. Kvn on said:

    very nice HDR. Thanks for sharing, bintek

  3. Jake Easley on said:

    would love to share my HDR’s. nothing new in a while… http://bit.ly/2sOA1

  4. shiva on said:

    hi this hdr very very nice tha best worke in world

  5. Jaap on said:

    Thanks for blogging my HDR! (last one)

  6. jalex on said:

    Any one know about a good tutorial to male HDR photoes

  7. Photographer Reading on said:

    Not really a fan of HDR but there are a few interesting ones on here. Most of the time they are WAY overdone.

  8. Chris Beaumont on said:

    I love the casual theft that goes on in posts like these.

    You’ve blatantly nicked these photos from other people and are re-publishing them without the author’s permission.

    Apologies if you contacted all the authors and they gave you permission but somehow I kind of doubt you have …

  9. Sam on said:

    Agreed way overdone, over saturated looks more like a painting than a real photo. Drop this HDR crap get out and take some extraordinary shots. Blow up your PC too, long live Velvia.

  10. Sam on said:

    What happened in the good old days where Photoshop was only a dream, PC’s where only for work, cameras where for taking great shots, HDR was only a horrendous nightmare…….

  11. Gary Roberts Art on said:

    This is a top notch blog. I’ve been back more than once within the last seven days and wish to register for your rss feed using Google but find it difficult to figure out the right way to do it accurately. Do you know of any sort of instructions?

  12. Kvn on said:

    @Gary: I’ll take a look at it and try to find out what’s wrong…