One thought on “Logo Of The Week: Wallen

  1. mikhale on said:

    maybe the client would be happy. but really? logo of the week?

    this “design” should have no praise. it’s a fucking typeface.

    here’s the design process:

    step 1) open design program
    step 2) type “Wallen”
    step 3) change font to “Buffet Script”
    step 4) change “n” to an alternate connection form
    step 5) rotate 15 degrees
    step 6) send to client

    and it only took 45 seconds! it must be a record!

    the “elegance” that you speak of has nothing to do with this bullshit designer. But it does have everything to do with Suditpos and Ale Paul.

    I think that you should strip this “designer” of his logo award and replace it with this.