20 thoughts on “Jaw-Dropping Urban Photography

  1. Kaitlin Roten on said:

    I never like selective coloring – BUT that photograph of the sky scraper that is yellow and everything else is B&W is gorgeous! One of the best examples of selective coloring I have ever seen.

  2. Secret Artist on said:

    nice work (and funny – this first photo is from around my town) – though in some of the photos there is way too much Photoshop involve…

  3. xluciferx on said:

    HDR is always look fake and cheap, seriously its never good, ever!

  4. Andrew on said:

    I have to second the HDR sentiment, those don’t look jaw dropping, they look tacky and over stylized. This is the equivalent of singing through a Vocoder.

  5. antoxic on said:

    HDR sucks…. the only thing you really dropped was my initial intention to browse through your site.

  6. Danx on said:

    I think these images are really amazing and this can be a compliment or not.
    I say so because the city is not spectacular as in these images (they are more images than photographs), so we have an image out of the reality.
    These images are great to show the power of giant firms, banks, etc, but not for the people.

  7. Reading Photographer@www.shaunedwards.com on said:

    Not normally keen on urban stuff as I much prefer mother nature! But these are great, HDR is a bit over done though and would be better in moderation but some fantastically dramatic angles.

  8. Jon Jenkins on said:

    This is amazing stuff! Good architecture photography with an urban edge! cool