Perfect Pink Photographs

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2 thoughts on “Perfect Pink Photographs

  1. Marina Berger on said:

    We chose pink as the ‘house’ color for the landscape garden design business we started 7 years ago because pink flowers are lovely as the pictures above show. We also felt the color would set our company apart form the competition who tend to use a lot of green.

    We have found most of our clients do like pink flowers. Every once in a while, I would guess about 1 in 15 is someone who doesn’t really like pink or hates it. The one’s that dislike it tend to be more in the red camp which is a different story altogether. A lot of people, even many who like pink flowers seem to be a bit worried about the color pink in our branding as if they are saying pink is okay as long as it is in the flower beds but don’t try to bring it anywhere near the house itself or anything else. So I think pink is a bit misunderstood.

  2. Peter Gutenberg on said:

    Variations of the color pink always fascinate and increase a sense warmth to the room or page. The techniques use in these photographs are professional and creative to the viewer.