This is probably the most obvious reason why designers should use Twitter. Already thousands of colleagues from around the world are tweeting. Getting in touch with them has never been easier. I can tell from my own experience that you will get to know a lot of interesting people thanks to Twitter. If you’re having a design-related problem, you can always rely on your Twitter network for answers.
Find resources / inspiration
Have you ever noticed how much tweets contain links to other websites? I hardly see tweets without a link in them. These days, Twitter is often used to share interesting articles and useful resources. Not all of them are great, but some users are known for their constant stream of quality resources and inspiration.
Are you looking for nice icons? Just ask around on Twitter, I’m sure someone will provide you with a link to a beautiful icon pack. A simple tweet should suffice if you’re looking for some design-related resources.
Twitter is a useful tool for self-branding. The most difficult thing as a new designer is making a name for yourself. By sharing your work on Twitter, you can easily reach hundreds, maybe thousands of people. A retweet from a respected user can really put you in the spotlight.
Don’t forget to fill in your profile; choose a good username, fill in your biography and add a link to your website. If you want more Twitter SEO tips, you should take a look at this article.
Lead Generation
It’s possible that Twitter will get you new clients. You can either actively look for potential clients and contact them, or you can attract potential clients by tweeting useful and relevant content. Other Twitter users might also refer clients. There’s also an interesting article about Twitter lead generation for B2B on Hubspot.
I already mentioned that there are plenty of colleague designers on this platform. If you ask them nicely, they’ll be happy to give you feedback about your artwork. They might share useful tips on how you can improve your work. If you take their advice into account, you can become a better designer and take your designs to the next level.
What about you?
How are you using Twitter as a designer? Is it mainly for exposure, or are you using it to get your hands on quality resources? Post a comment and share your thoughts.
I have been on twitter for a couple of months now and I find that it’s a great resource as a web designer and graphic designer. I follow some great designers that post links to excellent content hourly. I am constantly inspired by what I see on my twitter feed and I have been gaining followers steadily because I tweet good content often. Feel free to follow me if you’d like: @wilcowilliams12
These are some really good points. As a designer I think that Twitter is really good there are some great free resources available, from a business point of view it is a great way to keep in touch with clients and let them know what your up to.
If asked by a client should they have a Twitter account I always advise yes as it is free and as there is such a big following on Twitter you usually find that your existing client base are already tweeting.
I have been on twitter for a couple of months now and I find that it’s a great resource as a web designer and graphic designer
I find Twitter to be an invaluable source of information, inspiration and a great way of getting more traffic to your website or blog. Almost to the point were you wonder what designers did before social networking came about.
I always take 10 – 30 minutes of my day browsing through twitter and looking at the great design resources that have been posted.
I am an eco designer and I tweet a lot – it’s such a valuable meeting / discussion point. I have a personal and business account – I love reading up on lots of new design info / products, the resources are endless and a vital source of inspiration (what all designers need right).
I think Twitter is useful but i have to read everything that i have missed since being online just in case i missed something important. Takes up a lot of my time now.
Networking, Self Branding and lead generation these three points are beneficial for every website designer and it is great that designer can get these things from twitter.