5 Must-Have WordPress SEO Plugins

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential if you want your blog to appear high in the search results. However, this can be a lot of work. If you’re using Wordpress as a blogging platform you can use plugins to do the tedious SEO work for you. In this article you’ll find 5 must-have SEO plugins for your Wordpress blog. Continue reading

WordPress Plugins That Can Get You More Visitors

When you have a blog/website, it’s all about the number of people you can reach. In this article you’ll learn more about some Wordpress plugins that can get more visitors to your website/blog. Let’s take a look at some plugins that do automatic search engine optimization, learn more about your visitors and allow your visitors to submit your article to social bookmarking sites. Continue reading

10 Social Bookmarking Plugins For WordPress

Social bookmarking is probably one of the most important aspects of your marketing plan. Social bookmarking allows your visitors to share your articles with friends, families and colleagues. They help to share your posts with thousands of people. It has never been easier to integrate these options into your Wordpress site. There are dozens of plugins that generate social bookmarking buttons. In this article you’ll find my 10 favourite social bookmarking plugins for Wordpress. Installing these will only take you about 5 minutes. Continue reading