Interesting Tweets: Week 36



Browserstack is an online way to test websites across all browsers with pre-installed debugging tools. Instead of virtual machines, test servers and maintenance you can test straight from your browser. From AJAX, CSS, JavaScript, Flash to Applets, Browserstack lets you test every aspect of a website’s behavior and layout.

9 Steps to being your most powerful creative self

promotion for creatives

This article discusses Alex Mathers’ new book: 9 steps to being your most powerful creative self. Maybe you still remember his first book: online self promotion for creatives? In his second book you will learn to be a bolder, more focused, more innovative and more productive creative genius. The book will teach you how to to boost your creative ability & effectiveness, while adding benefits to the state of your own body and mind.

The golden ratio in web design

golden ratio

You would be surprised to find out that most aesthetically pleasing designs, works of art, objects and even people have math in common. Specifically the Golden Ratio, also known as the divine proportion, which is designated by the Greek letter Φ (phi). This tutorial will cover the anatomy and layout of a website and how the Golden Ratio relates.



Great type design remains hidden in the jungle if it isn’t promoted by a type foundry. Fontseek features these hidden treasures. It links you to the designer’s website by clicking on the specimen, where you will find purchasing information or how to get in touch directly.



Flexslider is a fully responsive jQuery slider plugin. It supports all major browsers and has several slide and fade animations. Flexslider is free to use under the MIT license.

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One thought on “Interesting Tweets: Week 36

  1. Web Design Atlanta on said:

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