It’s time to place another artist in our spotlight. This time it’s Alex Chappell. He is a London based designer, illustrator and artist. He already made some amazing illustrations and paintings. Make sure you visit his website to take a look at his amazing portfolio. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Artist Spotlight
Artist Spotlight: Maciej Robak
Maciej Robak, better known as ‘Blackleash’, is a designer from Warsaw, Poland. He’s focused on interactive projects, animation and graphic design. He has already made some designs for clients such as Coca-Cola, Renault, Peugeot, Nokia, and Ikea. Continue reading
Artist Spotlight: Matthias Bauerle
It’s time to place another artist in the spotlight. Today, it’s Matthias Bauerle, better known as Season Zero (that’s the name of this design studio). The majority of his work is for bands, festivals, concerts or other things related to music, independent film projects, tattoos and bands. Continue reading
Artist Spotlight: Christophe Huet
Christophe Huet is a French photo retoucher and he’s our new artist in the spotlight. When you take a look at his gallery, you’ll see that he’s really talented. Let’s learn a bit more about this designer and his work. Continue reading
Artist Spotlight: Dylan Cole
There are good artists and there are awesome artists. Dylan Cole is definitely the latter. He is a leading matte painter and concept artist, specializing in work for film, television, and video games. Today, he’s our artist in the spotlight. Continue reading
Artist Spotlight: Heiko Klug
If we have to believe Heiko’s DeviantART profile, he’s a self-proclaimed genuis. After looking at his amazing work, I can only agree: this man is brilliant. What’s even more amazing, is that he learned everything he knows about design by himself. Continue reading