15 Great Photoshop Button Tutorials

Designing buttons is one of those time-consuming tasks as a web designer. One day you might not have enough inspiration to create a sleek, modern button. In that case you can try to use one of these photoshop tutorials. These tutorials show you how you can create great looking buttons in just a few clicks. Continue reading

Essential Photoshop Poster Tutorials

Have you just finished filming your own movie? Are you in need of an eye-catching poster for your blockbuster? Than you have come to the right place. In this article you’ll find plenty of tutorials explaining you how to create awesome movie posters. But you could also use these techniques to create gig posters, birthday posters, etc. Continue reading

A Showcase Of Human Photo Manipulations In Advertisements

Everyday you are confronted with hundreds of advertisements. You’ll find them on TV, in magazines, on billboards… But you probably don’t remember every ad you’ve ever seen. That’s why it’s important for advertising agencies to create unique, creative ads. In this article you’ll find some of the best print ads. Al of these ads tried to sell their product or service via a human photo manipulation. Continue reading

Photoshop Tutorials Perfect For Creating Abstract Wallpapers

There are dozens of websites that offer quality wallpapers. But what if you just can’t seem to find the perfect wallpaper? In this case you can try to create your own wallpaper. These tutorials will help you if you’re looking for great abstract wallpapers. In a few simple steps you can create the wallpaper of your dreams! Continue reading

15 Essential Tutorials For Photoshop Beginners

When you open photoshop for the first time, you might get overwhelmed by the sheer number of buttons and tools. That’s at least how I felt when I first opened this program. But with a little bit of training, you’ll soon feel much more comfortable using it. This post gathers 15 tutorials for photoshop beginners. You should read these tutorials if you wan to learn more about the basic tools and functions that photoshop has to offer. Continue reading

350+ Photoshop Stain Brushes

It’s time to fill your brush library with more great brushes. In this post you’ll find a huge collection of free photoshop stain brushes. I’m sure that you’ll find the perfect brush for your design between these 350+ brushes. They are perfect to achieve a really nice grunge look or perhaps you could use them for your web design? Continue reading

25 Handy Photoshop Icon Tutorials

The internet is filled with quality icons for various applications. But despite this overload of free icons, sometimes you just can’t find the right icon. That’s why a lot of web designers create custom icons for their websites. In this article you’ll find 25 photoshop tutorials that explain you step by step how to create a kick-ass icon. Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #8

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 8 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading

100+ Sunburst Brushes

A few weeks ago, I collected a whole lot of cloud brushes. Today, I’m happy to present these great sunburst brushes. In total, there are over 100 brushes here so I’m sure you’ll find one that you can use in your designs. Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #6

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 6 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading