Touching Photography From The Dark Side Of War

War has always been a terrible thing: destroying cities, tearing up families and scarring people for life. Photographers try to capture these terrible scenes so they can show us the real face of war. The result is a collection of touching and heartbreaking photos from the dark side of war. Some of the pictures in this gallery might be offending. Viewer discretion is advised. Continue reading

Lovely Valentine Photography

Love is in the air! Today is a celebration of love and affection. It’s traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other with gifts. My gift to you is this article in which you’ll find beautiful photography that can act as valentine’s day inspiration. Enjoy! Continue reading

Inspirational Photography By Markku Lahdesmaki

Markku Lahdesmaki is a photographer from Finland. His love for photography started when his uncle gave him a simple camera with a black and white film. He moved from taking snapshots of his family and shooting objects in a museum to having a small studio in his home town. After that he left to study and work abroad. For the past fifteen years, Markku has been living in Los Angeles with his wife and two boys. Continue reading

Beautiful Examples Of Coral Photography

Underwater-photography comes with its own challenges compared to classical photography. It’s a completely different environment with certain limitations that the photographer has to keep in mind. But when the photographer can get everything right he can create beautiful photos. This time I’ve collected some amazing coral photographs. These photos really show the diversity in forms, colors and textures of coral reefs. Continue reading

Surprisingly Beautiful Curved Stairs

Inspiration can be found everywhere. People can draw inspiration from almost everything in this world: music, flowers, the sea, movies, animals… Sometimes, even something as simple as a stair can become a great source of inspiration. That’s why I’ve collected some of the most beautiful spiral stairs in this article. We should thank these photographers for capturing these great examples of inspirational architecture. Continue reading

Photo Manipulations By Koen Demuynck

Belgium might be a small country, but it’s filled with talented people. A few months ago I already showed you some of the beautiful creations of exceptionally talented photographer and film director Frank Uyttenhove. Today I’d like you to meet Koen Demuynck, another design guru with an amazing eye for detail. Continue reading

30 Breathtaking Long Exposure Photos With Water

It’s time for a bit of photography inspiration. So how about a collection of some of the best long exposure photos? A lot of the photos that were made via this technique were shot in urban environments. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of night-time long exposure photos of a highway.

But some photographers use this effect to shoot amazing photos of waterscapes. The combination of running water and long exposure often results in breathtaking photos. In this article you’ll find 30 beautiful examples of this photography approach. Enjoy! Continue reading

Beautiful Sun Ray Photography

A lot of websites publish collections of winter photographs during this time of the year. But I prefer to look forward to the summer. After all: what’s better than lying at the poolside in the sun with a cocktail in your hand? In this article you’ll find 22 beautiful sun ray photographs that will help you to start dreaming of the summer of 2010. And perhaps they might give you some design inspiration. Continue reading

Amazing Photo Manipulations By Erik Johansson

Erik Johansson brings realism to an entirely new level. His amazing photo manipulations make you wonder if this is an actual photograph or not. Erik is a freelance photographer from Gothenburg, Sweden. He gets his inspiration from artists such as Salvador Dali and M.C. Esher. His work has also been features in magazines such as Photo Art International and Advanced Photoshop Magazine. Continue reading

Designers And Their Favourite Photograph

There are plenty of jaw-dropping photographs out there. Sometimes, a photograph can really be something special for someone. That’s why I asked several well-known designers about their favourite photograph. I’m sure you’re not surprised there’s quite a lot of diversity between these photographs. And don’t forget to post a comment and tell me what’s your favourite photograph. Continue reading

10 Great Flickr Groups For Photographers

If you want to share you photographs with the rest of the world, then you should definitely publish your photos on Flickr. Flickr has probably one of the biggest photo collections in the world. You could also join a Flickr group. This group contains photographs from with a specific theme. In this post you’ll find 10 great Flickr groups for amateurs and professional photographers. Continue reading

Perfect Pink Photographs

We start this photography weekend with a bit of inspiration. Pink inspiration actually. I like this colour because it immediately grabs your attention (do you remember the Pink Ink logo?). Pink also symbolises calm feelings, relaxation and acceptance. Apparently, pink is also the universal colour of love. Continue reading

Creative Photography By Christoph Martin Schmid

Christoph Martin Schmid is perhaps one of the most talented photographers and directors out there. He has an amazing eye for detail and time after time he is able to produce inspiring photographs. He is able to tell an entire story via a simple snapshot, and that’s what sets him apart from the rest. Let’s take a look at some of his creations… Continue reading

30 Awesome Black & White Portraits From DeviantArt

DeviantArt can be a great source of inspiration, especially the photography section. You’ll find an amazing collection of photos from around the world. In this article I have collect 30 beautiful black & white portraits. You’ll see a lot of different poses, emotions, people, settings… that will hopefully inspire you as well. Continue reading

Jaw-Dropping Urban Photography

Cities can be a great source of inspiration. They’re a melting pot of different cultures, religions, businesses… Some artists try to capture the city’s spirit in photographs or graphic design. This often leads to amazing results.

In this article you’ll find various photographs from urban environments. There’s also a diversity in photography style between these photographers. Don’t forget to post a comment if you’ve found another great photo. Continue reading

25 Jaw-Dropping HDR Photos

High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a photography technique that has become really popular over the last couple of years. The intention of HDR is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows. This often results in really colourful, vibrant and perhaps surreal photos.

I’ve collected 25 beautiful HDR photos. However, this list still isn’t complete. If you’ve found another great HDR, please post a comment and share them with the rest of the world. Continue reading