Important Considerations Before Selecting A Theme For Your Blog

A blog is an excellent means which allows people to share thoughts, information, opinions, ideas, creativity and what not. It is such a medium that leads to mutual exchange of information between the blogger and the visitors and thus is quite engaging in nature. Though content plays a major role in the success of the blog but at the same time it should appeal to the readers. In this regard selecting an appropriate theme for the blog is an important thing to do for creating a positive impression on the visitors. Continue reading

20 Really Colourful WordPress Themes

Are you tired of boring old Wordpress themes? Do you want to spice up your blog with some colour? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this article you’ll find 20 high-quality Wordpress themes with every colour of the rainbow. The first few themes are free, the last themes are premium. Continue reading

15 Great WordPress eCommerce Themes

I love the versatility of Wordpress. With a few simple plugins you can create almost every different style of website/blog you can imagine. Yes, you can even create your own online store. These Wordpress themes make it really easy to start your own webshop. All these themes come packed with various useful features. There’s also a lot of variety between these themes: you’ll find everything from minimalistic to vintage themes. Continue reading

17 Free Minimalistic WordPress Themes

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past five years, you’ve probably already heard of minimalism. Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features.

In this post you’ll find 17 awesome minimal Wordpress themes. These themes use nothing more than the bare essentials, and they’re still awesome. And here’s the good news: they’re all free! Continue reading

Great Green WordPress Themes

The following weeks, I’ll be posting some articles about Wordpress themes in specific colours. The first colour I’ve chosen is green. I’ve divided this article into 2 sections: first of all, there’s a section that contains all the free themes and the last section contains all the premium themes. Continue reading

10 Great PS3 Themes

I recently bought a PS3, and soon I discovered the various customization options. One way to customize your PS3 is by using new themes. There are various official themes on the PS store but you’ll also a lot of beautiful themes made by other designers on the web. Here’s a selection of some of the best themes out there. Continue reading