30 Quality Websites To Share Your Design Articles

You’ve just spent countless hours writing a great article that’s really interesting and informative. But how do you make sure that potential readers will be able to reach your brand new article? Have no fear, because in this post you’ll find the solution!

There are plenty of social media sites that allow you to post your design articles. Some of the best known social media sites are Stumble, Digg, Reddit… but there are many more design-related social media websites. And don’t forget to add your article to the user news section of various design blogs! Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #11

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 11 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading

Artist Spotlight: David Fuhrer

Today I’d like to place David Fuhrer in our spotlight. He is a self-taught artist from Bern, Switzerland. David mainly focusses on illustrations and he has an amazing eye for detail. You could perhaps catch one of his exhibitions in Basel, the dates are found on his website (microbot.ch). Now that you know a bit more about this great designer, it’s time to take a look at some of his creations: Continue reading

The Ultimate Grunge Design Toolbox

Grunge design has won a lot in popularity over the last few years. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of websites, brushes, tutorials… that applied this design philosophy. In this article you’ll find everything you need that is grunge-related. I’ve collected fonts, brushes, textures, tutorials, websites etc. That means you’ll have everything you need in one place! Continue reading

Sleek iPhone Ads Created By Fans

The Apple iPhone has already gathered a huge amount of fans. Some of you probably love this phone, while others can’t even look at it. But you have to agree that the Apple’s advertising is brilliant.

Some iPhone users and fans created iPhone advertisement on their own. And the result can look really professional. Here are some beautiful iPhone ads that were created by fans. Continue reading

15 Great Package Redesigns.

A product’s packaging main purpose is to attract the customers attention (besides holding the product itself obviously). Nowadays it’s hard to stand out from dozens of competing products. That’s why companies try to change the colours or shape of their product packaging.

This can sometimes increase sales dramatically. A few simple adjustments can mean a world of difference. In this post I’ve collected 15 great package redesigns for your inspiration. Continue reading

Welcome To TheRoxor 2.0!

Hi there. You might have noticed that this little blog has been offline for a couple of days. Well, this was mainly due to some of the changes you see here. In this post I’ll give a little bit more information about TheRoxor 2.0 and about the future of this blog. Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #10

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 10 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading

Must-Have Designer Gadgets

I’m sure you’ve already come across some gadgets that were specifically made for designers. With these little gadgets you can show your design-love to the rest of the world.

In this article you’ll find several essential gadgets for designers. You might have already seen a few of them, but I’m sure there are some new ones in here as well. Continue reading

Artist Spotlight: NIARK1

Very few graphic designers are as talented as Niark1. He’s a graphic designer from Paris, France. During his career he has made flyers, logo’s stickers, illustrations, covers and much more for well known brands such as Eastpak, Burton, Aides. Some of you might recognize him from the Computer Arts Projects cover (issue 121, March 2009). Continue reading

Artist Spotlight: Peter Jaworowski

Today, we place Peter Jaworowski in our spotlight. He’s a designer from Warsaw, Poland. Peter is the co-owner and design director of the Warsaw-based creative studio Ars Thanea.

Peter Jaworowski is a really talented artist, and this reflects in the list of companies he has worked for. He already made some artwork for companies such as The Discovery Channel, Nokia, Coca-Cola, Intel, Fiat… Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #9

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 9 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #8

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 8 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading