Amazing Photo Manipulations By Erik Johansson

Erik Johansson brings realism to an entirely new level. His amazing photo manipulations make you wonder if this is an actual photograph or not. Erik is a freelance photographer from Gothenburg, Sweden. He gets his inspiration from artists such as Salvador Dali and M.C. Esher. His work has also been features in magazines such as Photo Art International and Advanced Photoshop Magazine. Continue reading

10 Amazing Futuristic Yacht Designs

Yachts have always been something for the rich and famous. Most of us can only dream of ever owning one. I’d like to fuel this dream with 10 amazing futuristic yacht designs. These creative designs show us that a yacht doesn’t always have to be dull: they can also be inspirationally beautiful. Continue reading

20 Free Payment Option Icons

I present to you this free icon set of 20 payment option icons. This set contains 20 icons for popular payment methods such as MasterCard, PayPal, Visa, American Express, Diner’s Club and much more… All icons are in PNG format and come in three different sizes: big (130×80), small (80×49) and tiny (50×31). Continue reading

25 Handy Photoshop Icon Tutorials

The internet is filled with quality icons for various applications. But despite this overload of free icons, sometimes you just can’t find the right icon. That’s why a lot of web designers create custom icons for their websites. In this article you’ll find 25 photoshop tutorials that explain you step by step how to create a kick-ass icon. Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #14

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 14 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading

Designers And Their Favourite Photograph

There are plenty of jaw-dropping photographs out there. Sometimes, a photograph can really be something special for someone. That’s why I asked several well-known designers about their favourite photograph. I’m sure you’re not surprised there’s quite a lot of diversity between these photographs. And don’t forget to post a comment and tell me what’s your favourite photograph. Continue reading

10 Great Flickr Groups For Photographers

If you want to share you photographs with the rest of the world, then you should definitely publish your photos on Flickr. Flickr has probably one of the biggest photo collections in the world. You could also join a Flickr group. This group contains photographs from with a specific theme. In this post you’ll find 10 great Flickr groups for amateurs and professional photographers. Continue reading

Perfect Pink Photographs

We start this photography weekend with a bit of inspiration. Pink inspiration actually. I like this colour because it immediately grabs your attention (do you remember the Pink Ink logo?). Pink also symbolises calm feelings, relaxation and acceptance. Apparently, pink is also the universal colour of love. Continue reading

Artist Spotlight: Craig Shields

Craig Shields is an incredibly talented graphic designer from the UK. He already created some amazing designs, and he’s only 22 year old. Craig is studying Graphic Design at the school of art and design in Lincoln, UK. A lot of his creations also end up on dephtCORE. Or perhaps you’ve seen him in magazines such as DigitalArts and Advanced Photoshop. Let’s take a look at some of his amazing designs: Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #13

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 13 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading

The 4 C’s Of Freelance Marketing

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of your freelance design career. Good marketing can get you a lot of extra clients. You don’t necessarily have to hire a marketing agency to do your freelance marketing, because there are a lot of things you can do on your own. Here are 4 important aspects of marketing for freelancers, better known as the 4 C’s of freelance marketing: Continue reading

Design Inspiration: Picture Mixture #12

Are you looking for a bit of inspiration? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At TheRoxor we have a lot of collections of inspirational designs called ‘picture mixtures’. These picture mixtures (or pix mix) collect beautiful designs by various artists. And who knows; maybe you’ll see your own design in here.

Picture Mixture 12 once again offers you some of the most beautiful creations from really talented designers. I hope this collection can inspire you to create something amazing as well. Continue reading