Logo Of The Week: Ecovise

This beautiful logo was made by Anna Kövecses. She is a graphic designer from Budapest who specializes in logos, stationary, website and printed material. She created this awesome logo for Ecovise. Ecovise is a home sustainability assessment business. This local start-up encourages people to adopt empowering attitudes towards sustainable living. I think that this is a great result: the mark looks great, and the type is even better. Continue reading

A Showcase Of Package Design Studios #1

It’s hard for products to stand out from the competition. Especially when you walk into a supermarket: you’ll see dozens of competing products on the same shelf. One of the easiest ways to grab the customer’s attention is via an eye-catching package design. But who creates these packages? In the first part of this series, you’ll learn more about some of the best package design studios in the world. Continue reading

15 Gorgeous Abstract Nature Wallpapers

Can’t decide whether to use an abstract wallpaper for your desktop or a wallpaper of a beautiful landscape? Why not combine both? In this article you’ll find 15 great abstract nature wallpapers. These wallpapers will really spice up that boring desktop. Take a look at the related posts for more beautiful wallpapers. Continue reading

Inspirational Photography By Markku Lahdesmaki

Markku Lahdesmaki is a photographer from Finland. His love for photography started when his uncle gave him a simple camera with a black and white film. He moved from taking snapshots of his family and shooting objects in a museum to having a small studio in his home town. After that he left to study and work abroad. For the past fifteen years, Markku has been living in Los Angeles with his wife and two boys. Continue reading

10 Social Bookmarking Plugins For WordPress

Social bookmarking is probably one of the most important aspects of your marketing plan. Social bookmarking allows your visitors to share your articles with friends, families and colleagues. They help to share your posts with thousands of people. It has never been easier to integrate these options into your Wordpress site. There are dozens of plugins that generate social bookmarking buttons. In this article you’ll find my 10 favourite social bookmarking plugins for Wordpress. Installing these will only take you about 5 minutes. Continue reading

20 Inspirational Typographic Quotes

Some of the best advice in the world is spread via quotes. For example: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. There’s a lot of wisdom in this simple sentence. A lot of designers use these kind of quotes as a source of inspiration. These quotes become even better when you illustrate them in the form of typography. Here are 20 inspirational typographic quotes for your inspiration! Continue reading

Online Self Promotion For Creatives: The eBook

Self promotion is one of the most important daily tasks of creatives. If no-one knows about your existence, how can they hire you? A lot of people think that online self promotion is time-consuming and complicated. But Alex Mathers shows us that this isn’t the case. He explains the 10 steps to powerful online self promotion for creatives in his ebook that will be released on March 10th. Continue reading

Beautiful Examples Of Coral Photography

Underwater-photography comes with its own challenges compared to classical photography. It’s a completely different environment with certain limitations that the photographer has to keep in mind. But when the photographer can get everything right he can create beautiful photos. This time I’ve collected some amazing coral photographs. These photos really show the diversity in forms, colors and textures of coral reefs. Continue reading

Photoshop Tutorials Perfect For Creating Abstract Wallpapers

There are dozens of websites that offer quality wallpapers. But what if you just can’t seem to find the perfect wallpaper? In this case you can try to create your own wallpaper. These tutorials will help you if you’re looking for great abstract wallpapers. In a few simple steps you can create the wallpaper of your dreams! Continue reading

The Make-Or-Buy Dilemma For Designers

The make or buy dilemma is the choice of creating something yourself or buying it from someone else. In business terms this buying behaviour is also referred to as outsourcing. I’m sure that you’ve had to make this choice at least once during your career and if you haven’t I’m sure you will someday. This article discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing certain aspects of your design work. Don’t forget to post a comment with your thoughts regarding this subject. Continue reading

Beautiful Illustrations Of Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. Greek mythology has exerted an extensive influence on the culture, the arts, and the literature of Western civilization and remains part of Western heritage and language. The Greek mythology is actually pretty interesting and it can be a great source of inspiration. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of beautiful illustrations of Greek gods, goddesses and other mythical creatures. Continue reading

10 Essential Free Serif Fonts

A few months ago I already posted 15 essential sans serif fonts. Today I decided to show you some of the best free serif fonts. These fonts are all free for commercial use and they’re a must-have for every designer. If you decide to use these fonts in one of your creations, please post them in our Flickr group and share them with the rest of us! Continue reading

7 Ways To Become A Better Designer

In this article you’ll find seven tips and tricks that can help you to become a better designer. These tips are meant to increase your creativity and your efficiency. But it doesn’t stop here. I’m sure you have some tips yourself that you can share with the rest of us. Continue reading

15 Essential Tutorials For Photoshop Beginners

When you open photoshop for the first time, you might get overwhelmed by the sheer number of buttons and tools. That’s at least how I felt when I first opened this program. But with a little bit of training, you’ll soon feel much more comfortable using it. This post gathers 15 tutorials for photoshop beginners. You should read these tutorials if you wan to learn more about the basic tools and functions that photoshop has to offer. Continue reading

Surprisingly Beautiful Curved Stairs

Inspiration can be found everywhere. People can draw inspiration from almost everything in this world: music, flowers, the sea, movies, animals… Sometimes, even something as simple as a stair can become a great source of inspiration. That’s why I’ve collected some of the most beautiful spiral stairs in this article. We should thank these photographers for capturing these great examples of inspirational architecture. Continue reading

15 Quality Apple Wallpapers

It’s time to spice up your desktop. If you’re looking for clean, high-quality wallpapers than you should definitely take a look at this post. In this article you’ll find 15 beautiful apple wallpapers so you can give your desktop or laptop a fresh new look. And don’t be afraid to use these wallpapers on windows: they’ll look equally good. Continue reading

Photo Manipulations By Koen Demuynck

Belgium might be a small country, but it’s filled with talented people. A few months ago I already showed you some of the beautiful creations of exceptionally talented photographer and film director Frank Uyttenhove. Today I’d like you to meet Koen Demuynck, another design guru with an amazing eye for detail. Continue reading

Thanks For Your Support! January 2010

I thought it was about time to thank everyone that made this blog possible. A lot of people have contributed to the growth of this little design blog. In this article I’d like to take some time to thank our sponsors and our visitors for their support during the last couple of months. I hope to see you again as soon as possible! Continue reading